Dr. Vishal Kumar Chorasiya
Email ID: aasltssi@gmail.com | 24 Hrs. Helpline No.: +91-9119114022, +91-8282826344
Dr. Vishal Kumar Chorasiya

Contraindications (When transplant cannot be done)

Contraindications (When transplant cannot be done)

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Contraindications (When transplant cannot be done)

Dr. Vishal Kumar Chorasiya

Liver Transplant is lifesaving procedure and can be new lease of life even for the critical ill and very sick patients. The contraindications are hence very limited and even shrinking with the increasing experience in patient care and technology. 

Severe Sepsis: Presence of serious documented blood stream infections affecting the functioning of major body organs like heart, lungs, kidneys and brain jeopardises the chances of getting a liver transplant.

Very advanced or metastatic liver cancer: When a liver cancer is very advanced and has grown outside the liver (metastasis) or have involved the surrounding blood channels portal vein, hepatic vein or IVC it becomes a contraindication for liver transplant. In such scenarios a relook after adjuvant therapies like radiotherapy (SBRT, TARE) or focused chemotherapy (TACE) or immunotherapy can be done. This is called tumor downstaging. If the tumor decreases in aggressiveness and shows a positive response, there can be possibility of benefitting from a liver transplant.

Presence of other advanced (noncurable) cancer elsewhere: Presence of any other incurable or advanced cancer anywhere in the body is also deemed to be a contraindication of liver transplant candidancy.

Heart failure: Presence of heart failure (especially the right sided heart failure in a patient considered to be an absolute contraindication for liver transplant. Such patient can be taken for transplant only after correction of heart failure.

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