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Surgeries of Small and large intestine
Surgeries over intestines are most common surgeries done over the abdomen. It either involves either removal of a diseased intestine and restoration of continuity (Bowel resection and anastomosis) or a repair in cases of ruptures (Perforation repairs). Sometimes bypass of the intestines may be required. It can be either an internal or external bypass (Ostomy). The external bypass can be temporary or permanent. A temporary bypass is usually closed after 3-6 weeks of time.
Depending upon the site of excision of the bowel resection can be named as follows:
1. Segmental bowel resection
2. Right hemicolectomy
3. Left Hemicolectomy
4. Sigmoid colectomy
5. Pancolectomy
All resection of bowel are accompanied by either restoration of continuity or temporary or permanent external diversion or bypass. Sometimes restoration of continuity may be associated with a temporary external bypass which is later reversed. Depending upon the nature of continuity restored it can be either:
1. Jejuojenuneal anastomosis
2. Jejunoileal anastomosis
3. Ileocolic anastomosis
A. Ileoascending
B. Ileotransverse
4. Ileal pouch anal anastomosis
Department of Liver Transplant, HPB and GI Surgery, Venkateshwar Hospital, Sector 18, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075